Nour Export


Nour Export also specializes in sorting and selling VINTAGE clothing and accessories.

  • First of all, what are we talking about?

There are many different kinds of vintage: while second-hand stores and sorting depots salvage clothes from all eras without distinction, thrift shops buy and sell by the kilo, and vintage boutiques select pieces for their period, material and finish. All have one thing in common: they offer a different way of consuming clothing, based on recycling.


  • What is vintage?


The term Vintage represents second-hand pieces of all kinds. In fashion, the Vintage refers to clothing or accessories designed between the 1920s and 1980s.

The Vintage is therefore synonymous with retro, but it also guarantees authentic design thanks to its brand name, quality and low print run. In vintage bags, leather is the key design material

This trend gives everyone the opportunity to express their creativity by mixing contemporary products with contemporary pieces. Vintagefor a style that's original, personal and in tune with the times.